The Canacari's Blog

Hello everyone, we are the Canacari's and are lucky enough to be blessed with two beautiful children, our son Matthew and our daughter Taiya. We are extremely happy and very proud of them both. This site has been set up so we can share pictures with family and friends near and far. Hope you enjoy them :)

Location: Victoria, B.C., Canada

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Maltby Playdate

Friends of ours have two little ones very close in age to our two. Charlotte is such a beauty with big blue saucer-like eyes. She very happily followed me around and it sounded as though she was calling me Ma Ma.
Evan is just a few months older than Matthew and the two of them had fun playing together with all the great toys. It was difficult to get a picture of them both, as they decided they didn't want their picture taken...well, of their faces anyways!
There's my little Yangxi girl making tunes and having fun grooving to them!
The ball barn...Oh yes, they had fun with this...but didn't really use it the way it was intended for. If you can imagine all the balls being thrown out one by one and scattered everywhere. Of course this was very fun at the time, but when it was time to clean up...suddenly that game didn't really seem like such a great idea afterall. The boys struggled with this - but got the job done slowly but surely, pretending to be construction workers while filling and dumping loads from a Dumptruck.


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