The Canacari's Blog

Hello everyone, we are the Canacari's and are lucky enough to be blessed with two beautiful children, our son Matthew and our daughter Taiya. We are extremely happy and very proud of them both. This site has been set up so we can share pictures with family and friends near and far. Hope you enjoy them :)

Location: Victoria, B.C., Canada

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Brushing Her Teeth

"O.K. , how does this thing work?"
"Hey, I think I've got it...Yummy, this toothpaste tastes great!'
"You spit at the end right?"


Blogger my3 kids said...

Good for's so much fun brushing our teeth isn't it Taiya? I try my hardest each day several times to climb the stairs just to get my tooth brush. I head straight for the drawer in the bathroom where mommy keeps them and pick mine out each time. I just love brushing my teeth. Mommy says she hopes I keep it up "loving" it I mean. Mommy checked yesterday and guess what...she found 2 molars poking through ontop. Yikes, soon i will have a whole mouthful!!

Love your friend Emma

6:56 AM  
Blogger Shannon said...

I love to brush my teeth too Taiya, but for some reason Mom keeps trying to move the brush back and forth, and I really just like to chew and suck on it. Wonder why she does that???

11:18 AM  

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