The Canacari's Blog

Hello everyone, we are the Canacari's and are lucky enough to be blessed with two beautiful children, our son Matthew and our daughter Taiya. We are extremely happy and very proud of them both. This site has been set up so we can share pictures with family and friends near and far. Hope you enjoy them :)

Location: Victoria, B.C., Canada

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Here is our International Student from Vera Cruz, Mexico standing in front of the Empress Hotel downtown in the Harbour of Victoria. She is going to be with our family for the school year and we are happy to have her with us. She is a wonderful addition for us, and a sweet girl who fits in perfectly with the kids and the rest of our family.


Blogger my3 kids said...

Have fun with your student guys..she does look like a sweet girl and I am sure you will have alot of fun with her. Neat Empress Hotel! Maybe one day we will get to come visit;)


11:16 AM  

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