The Canacari's Blog

Hello everyone, we are the Canacari's and are lucky enough to be blessed with two beautiful children, our son Matthew and our daughter Taiya. We are extremely happy and very proud of them both. This site has been set up so we can share pictures with family and friends near and far. Hope you enjoy them :)

Location: Victoria, B.C., Canada

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


I know that some of you who read this site are aware that I have been struggling with my health (this is partially why I am inconsistent in posting). I am currently on full work leave and my return date is unknown at this time. I have had chronic sinus problems and lower respiratory problems for several years. It has gotten out of control requiring me to be on antibiotics almost constantly for the past couple of years. Since having my second sinus surgery this past November (it has been deemed "successful", i.e. everything is open for drainage), I am still struggling with infections and recently have been diagnosed as having migraines as well. Needless to say, at this point we still don't have a definative diagnosis and a number of things are continuing to be investigated. I have seen numerous specialists and more recently have referrals to both a Neurologist and Infections Disease Specialist. I also saw a Naturopath earlier this month and have made some diet changes, along with taking some herbs. The questionable diagnoses at this point are very scary, but quite honestly I'd rather know then be in the lerch. Only time and perserverance will tell....

I just thought I'd send this message out to let people know what has been going on in our lives. It has been a very difficult and challenging time for us, I only hope that things will improve and I can maybe prove some of these doctors wrong.

Debbie :)

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Butterfly Catcher

Today Matthew caught his first butterfly with Daddy (doesn't he look excited!).
In the container you can see both a butterfly and an orange colored moth.

Here's our proud butterfly catching team;)

Victoria's Fisherman's Wharf

Matthew and Daddy were feeding a seal some fish when a seagull swooped down and snatched up the fish from their hands!
Here's Matthew giving the seal a tasty fish snack.

Down the wharf a little further, there were two more seals begging for fish. In the background you can see a couple of colourful houseboats.

It was such a gorgeous day! In the far background, at the top of the water on the left hand side , you can see a seaplane coming in for a landing.

Rrrr! I hate when I forget to turn the pictures. Here Matthew and I are at the end of one of the wharf's beside a houseboat...look at the neatly manicured fish shaped shrub - cool!

I love it down here. It's very quaint and relaxing...just what I need!

Each houseboat is very unique in style. They are all painted with bright colors, plants/floweres and other interesting things to look at. In this picture, Matthew is peering down between the wharf and houseboat looking at the marine vegetation.

More brightly colored houseboats and pretty scenery.

Each view point is eye serene.

I just kept taking pictures - it's all so pretty.

Just next to all of the house boats are huge sail boats and fishing boats.
It was a great afternoon:) Hope you enjoy these as much as I enjoyed being there!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Happy Canada Day

We went downtown to check out the Canada Day action.
Here's our little Canadian girl!

I only got a few pictures because our camera battery was low. It was the first time we were in Victoria to celebrate Canada Day. The downtown core was blocked off to cars, and the streets and inner harbour area became full of pedestrians and young party animals. As the night wore on, more and more crazy people filled the streets. Note to ourselves - our kids will not be allowed out to celebrate downtown with friends when they are teenagers! The fireworks show kicked off at 10:30pm, who would have thought it was going to be so late in the evening? We got there at 7:30, and therefore had the blessing of entertaining and keeping both kids on tight leashes for 3 hours. By the time the firework show began, Matthew had started to mellow out but Taiya continued to be wide eyed and wired to the tilt. Overall, the fireworks show was worth seeing and I'm glad we went, I just don't think we'll put ourselves through that for a few more years to come:) Happy Canada Day Everyone!

Biker Babe

Look out fellow roadsters! Taiya is on the move and does not really know how to steer very well or brake....yikes! We have far too many hills where we live, not a great place to learn how to ride, well safely anyways.

Matthew's Last Day at Daycare

Daycare "Grad"....a grad hat from Daddy's highschool, and a special toy that we've had waiting to give Matthew for a special event.
The is the card that he worked on to give to our daycare provider and the cake we did together to celebrate with his friends. Matthew has been at this daycare since he was one and had his first visit there when he was only 7 months old. I can't believe how fast time flies. Finishing daycare to me, felt like another reality check to remind me that my little boy is growing up. I was teary...thankfully Taiya will still be there so it didn't quite feel like the end. Although excited about the upcoming school year and beginning Kindergarten, Matthew did become a little emotional when we got back home.

They had a costume party on Matthew's last day. Here's all his little friends with exception to Matthew's buddy Clayton who was home with a tummy bug. Three of these kids are school age so they are only at daycare part-time. All of these kids have been together since Matthew started...they all have such a neat bond. Hopefully this special friendship will continue in the future, we've got all their numbers so I'm sure playdates will begin soon enough.

This is our very special "Shelley", she is so great with the kids. I really don't know how she does this job day in and day out - but she's awesome! Daddy had to make graduation certificates for the kids graduating from his "tag" at school, so he made an extra one for matthew. I plan to start a school age memory book for Matthew, with this being the start of it all.