The Canacari's Blog

Hello everyone, we are the Canacari's and are lucky enough to be blessed with two beautiful children, our son Matthew and our daughter Taiya. We are extremely happy and very proud of them both. This site has been set up so we can share pictures with family and friends near and far. Hope you enjoy them :)

Location: Victoria, B.C., Canada

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Dress up Fun

We found this adorable body suite with Tutu and couldn't resist buying it for Taiya. Of course when we went to try it on her Matthew needed something to dress-up in so on went his halloween costume from last year. The two of them had fun running second Taiya was trying to be feminine like a ballerina, the next she was in her fighting poses with her big brother - they were cute together.

Trailer Service Worker and #1 Assistant

Just happy to help out in any way she can.

Friday, August 17, 2007

A Day Out On The Boat

Taiya is part fish I think - She loves swimming in the lake! The water is quite cool this year because of poor weather, but she still wants in and insists that she isn't cold even when shivering up a storm. Here she is with a friend from the campsite.
What more could a Dad ask for?

Yee Haa! I'm a water cowboy!

Tube riding with Daddy....hold on boys!

FYI update

Hey everyone, thanks so much for your good thoughts and wishes. A resistant bacteria was finally discovered and I got the news last Friday, hence more antibiotics for at least another month. I am still struggling day to day, and migraines are continuing to plague me. We made it up to our campsite for almost a week, and hope to get a bit more time there before summer ends. Still more appointments etc etc. I have not been keeping up with blogging or checking others out over the past few weeks - sorry. I will keep you posted especially if anything new transpires. Hope you are all enjoying your summer!



We finally got away to our campsite! Of course the marshmellows were a hit with the kids. I have to admit that I enjoyed a few myselft as well. I can't believe that there are only 2 weeks left until the end of August.

Water Play

We haven't had much of a hot summer this year, but when it has warmed up the kids just love playing in the water!

Happy 4?st Birthday Daddy!

Here's in the afternoon...... (Taiya's wearing her "gobbles").
Here's after a few drinks....,the kids are happily singing the birthday song very loudly while bouncing all over their passed out Dad (very early in the evening might I add - this is true payback).

This of course is after some birthday cake. Happy Birthday!